Well…I disappeared again didn’t I.

I have lots of excuses, I suppose, for not making the blog a priority.

Mostly, they come down to this little creature:


and the fact that I’m a working Mom with very little free time.  Let’s be real – I can barely keep the house clean. Scratch that – I CAN’T keep the house clean. It’s a disaster. But I DID get a little bit done this weekend, so it’s better!

Truth is,  the biggest part of the problem is that my computer broke. Instead of being able to spend 15 minutes post baby-bedtime typing up a quick blog…I’ve been relegated to maybe checking Facebook on my phone, or…well, just going to bed.

Now, I’ve reached the point where there are just too many blog posts floating around in my head and I need to set aside some me time to post them – if only because it’s cathartic for me.  Many things have happened since I last posted, and the content of the blog may be just a little bit different.  For a quick preview:

  • I did a Whole30 from mid-September to mid-October and am planning to join the big one in January,
  • Dave (a.k.a.  Tot – I’m tired of being vague) started crawling backwards, wearing 9-12mo clothing and eating solids,
  • I’ve been dabbling in fashion lately and am expecting my first Stitch Fix tomorrow – so excited! (if you click the link and decide to request an invite before I post about my first fix – please use my link!),
  • and discovered a love for subscription boxes like Wittlebee and Bluum.

So. Lots of things swirling around in my head. Here’s hoping I can manage to find the time to write all the posts I want to write!

I’ll start small today though – so here’s our menu plan for this week…that we’re halfway through.

Sat: Vampire-Fighting Paleo Pork Stew

Sun:  Pioneer Woman’s Corn & Cheese Chowder

Mon: Chicken, Spinach & Goat Cheese Meatballs w/ Cauliflower, Carrot & Parsnip Puree. – could probably prep meatballs and make puree the night before…

  • ·         Squeeze excess water out of spinach, mix with goat cheese + chicken, roll into meatballs & bake until done.  I don’t have an exact recipe for this, just found some inspiration. Amounts should be determined by feel – how the proportions look – how the meatballs are sticking together, etc. 

Tues : Grilled Garlic Flank Steak w/ Peppers & Onions, Sweet Potatoes

  • ·         3 cloves minced garlic, flank steak, 1 sliced onion, 1 sliced bell pepper – rub garlic onto steak, grill steak (or pan fry, or broil – whatever) – then sauté peppers + onions.  Slice steak and serve w/ veggies.

Wed : Mustard Glazed Chicken Thighs, Acorn Squash, Veggie

Thurs:  Pork Chops, Garlicky Mushrooms w/ Kale

Fri : Beef Stew

Happy Wednesday!


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